Shared cartoon style in CG animation to maximize empathy

By: Marc Russo


Volume: 10
Issue: 01:Summer 2024
ISSN: 2459-2943
DOI: 10.18680/hss.2024.0011
Pages: 177-203
Lic.: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Pixar Peak
Uncanny Valley
CG Animation
Character Empathy
Character Appeal



Major animation studios have found a way to enhance audience empathy through a more expressive character aesthetic, surpassing mere appeal. This new benchmark, the Pixar Peak, exists just before Uncanny Valley, where computer-generated (CG) animation can evoke a similar level of empathy as real humans. The shared expressive character aesthetics become apparent when comparing characters from various major studios. However, emotional connection with these characters is influenced by more than just their appearance. Factors such as character performance, cinematic techniques, and intricately designed 3D environments play a significant role. In recent releases, combining photorealistically rendered settings and stylized characters bolsters audience connection. The Pixar Peak is, therefore, not solely about character design but also about the interaction range of animation choices. This article examines the spectrum of character design, from iconic to realistic. It argues that the trend toward realistic environments, alongside cinematic choices and character performances, is essential in achieving the Pixar Peak. It will demonstrate how CG animation can enhance empathy for characters in two significant ways. First, we perceive these animated figures as representations of ideas; they are not just characters we observe but ones we can relate to and embody. Second, the realistic, immersive environments resemble our world, implying that these emotionally resonant characters exist within a familiar context.

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