Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle (eds.) Chernobyl Calling. Narrative, Intermediality and Cultural Memory of a Docu-fiction.

(hessaloniki: Hellenic Semiotics Society, 2024, pp. 187, ISBN 972-618-82184-4-4)


Table of Contents

Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle, Cultural memory and the transmedia semiosphere – Giorgio Grignaffini, Chernobyl: A miniseries between fiction and reality – Nicola Dusi, History, drama, retelling: Intermedial realism in Chernobyl – Charo Lacalle, Chernobyl reloaded: Renewing disaster fictional narratives through female characters – Paolo Braga, Events that defy storytelling: Narrative and dramaturgical solutions in Chernobyl – Andrea Bernardelli, “In these stories, it doesn’t matter who the heroes are.” Characters’ construction in Chernobyl – Alberto N. García, Chernobyl and the anthropology of sacrifice – Federico Montanari, History, power, and narrative. Chernobyl is still there – Antonella Mascio, Chernobyl: From nuclear disaster to the television series and beyond – Héctor J. Pérez, Chernobyl: The cognitive value of multiplot aesthetics in contemporary television – Ioanna Vovou, The ‘lifeworld’ criterion in HBO’s Chernobyl: An approach of the intentio lectoris – Renira Rampazzo Gambarato and Johannes Heuman, Transcending the blurred boundaries of Chernobyl.



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Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle (eds.) Chernobyl Calling. Narrative, Intermediality and Cultural Memory of a Docu-fiction (695 downloads )
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