Volume 2, Issue 2 (2016) – Semiotics and Fieldwork: On critical ethnographies

Punctum is a blind peer-reviewed, on-line journal dedicated to the semiotic study of contemporary cultural texts, practices and processes, published under the auspices of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. Aspiring to provide a venue for the advancement of international semiotic scholarship, the journal is published twice a year (July & December) in English, although submissions in French and German will be accepted as well. Punctum’s Editorial Board reflects both its international scope and the diversity of contemporary semiotic research and theory. Punctum invites submissions (original papers, review articles, book reviews) across this wide range of semiotic fields and methodologies on an on-going basis, and regularly puts out calls for special issues with guest editors.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (2016)

Semiotics and Fieldwork:
On critical ethnographies

Edited by Eleftheria Deltsou & Fotini Tsibiridou

Table of Contents


Introduction – Semiotics and Fieldwork: On Critical Ethnographies (2588 downloads )

Eleftheria Deltsou and Fotini Tsibiridou

Ethno-semiotics of a circus act: Mirko and his goats (2425 downloads )

Paul Bouissac

Snapshots of the Balkans through ethnographic investigation of the linguistic landscape (2411 downloads )

Costas Canakis

Υouth precariat worlds and protest graffiti in the dystopia of the Greek economic crisis: a cross-disciplinary perspective (3016 downloads )

Yiannis Zaimakis

Cooking, swallowing, chewing: ‘culinary semiotics’ and the political economy of witchcraft in the Cameroon Grassfields (2712 downloads )

Emile Tsékénis

Prisoner (once again) of the Caucasus: An ethnography of film (2803 downloads )

Eleni Sideri

Conference report - From culture to biology (and back?): Towards a semiotics of the senses (2620 downloads )

Lia Yoka

Obituary: John Deely (1942-2017) (2048 downloads )

Paul Cobley

Book Reviews

Book review: Mapping translation spaces in motion (2594 downloads )

Titika Dimitroulia

Book review: Consuming Translations: Eating the Food of the Other (2276 downloads )

Sabrina Mazzali-Lurati

Book review: Nothing is Sacred (2229 downloads )

Gregory Paschalidis

Download Current Issue
Volume 2, Issue 2 (2016) Full Issue (2213 downloads )
ISSN 2459-2943
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