La crise d’accumulation du passé au risque de la mort des sémiophores

By: Daniel Jacobi


Volume: 09
Issue: 01:Summer 2023
ISSN: 2459-2943
DOI: 10.18680/hss.2023.0006
Pages: 97-107
Lic.: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Collection muséale
Dé-et re-sémiotisation



Many museums have undertaken to dispose of their collections. They are forced to do so by the overcrowding of their storerooms and the real estate pressure in the centers of the large cities where they are located. Should all or part of the collections be discarded, donated, or digitized? Because of the detailed inventory, the ten-yearly recoiling, and the creation of the French Joconde database, supposed to gather all the descriptions and photographic reproductions of all the works and items of the 1,100 museums in France, the management of the collections has become a colossal task that may never be completed. There is a high risk that the disappearance of the collections will be accompanied by the de-semiotization of the museological masterpieces created and set up in the different types of exhibition discourse in the course of the history of museums and their exhibitions.


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