Volume 06 : Issue 02 : 2020
Semiotics of Political Communication

Edited by: Gregory Paschalidis
Punctum. is a blind peer-reviewed, on-line journal dedicated to the semiotic study of contemporary cultural texts, practices and processes, published by the Hellenic Semiotic Society, member of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS).
Aspiring to provide a venue for the advancement of international semiotic scholarship, the journal is published twice a year (July & December) in English, although submissions in French and German will be accepted as well. Punctum.’s Editorial Board reflects both its international scope and the diversity of contemporary semiotic research and theory.
Punctum. invites submissions (original research papers, review articles, book reviews) across a wide range of semiotic fields and methodologies on an on-going basis, and regularly puts out calls for special issues with guest editors. The journal’s contents are registered with CrossRef and indexed in Scopus.