Volume 09 : Issue 02 : 2023
The Semiotics of Circulation

Edited by: Gastón Cingolani and Sebastián Moreno Barreneche


Journal of SemiotIcs Volume 09: Issue 02: 2023. The Semiotics of Circulation

Punctum. is a blind peer-reviewed, on-line journal dedicated to the semiotic study of contemporary cultural texts, practices and processes, published by the Hellenic Semiotic Society, member of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS).

Aspiring to provide a venue for the advancement of international semiotic scholarship, the journal is published twice a year (July & December) in English, although submissions in French and German will be accepted as well. Punctum.’s Editorial Board reflects both its international scope and the diversity of contemporary semiotic research and theory.

Punctum. invites submissions (original research papers, review articles, book reviews) across a wide range of semiotic fields and methodologies on an on-going basis, and regularly puts out calls for special issues with guest editors. The journal’s contents are registered with CrossRef and indexed in Scopus and EBSCO.



Articles Introduction: The semiotics of circulation (725 downloads )
Gastón Cingolani and Sebastián Moreno Barreneche
Audiences between production and reception: Problems of a theory of recognition (605 downloads )
Eliséo Verón
Spreadability and hate speech of radical conservatism: The Peruvian case on TikTok (869 downloads )
Elder Cuevas-Calderón, Eduardo Yalán Dongo and Lilian Kanashiro
Modes of production, circulation, and academic recognition of an ‘archive of repression’: the case of the DIPPBA archive in Argentina (541 downloads )
Alex Colman
The politics of literature: Indexicality, circulation, and decoloniality (537 downloads )
Simon Levesque
Circulating Emotions: UNESCO's original initiative on Artificial Intelligence (506 downloads )
Inna Merkoulova
Framings, or mind the décalage! (537 downloads )
Sara Nocerino
From villainess to Eco-icon: The blossoming of Poison Ivy (541 downloads )
Alessandra Richetto
From the mass media museum to the social media museum: Investigating the museum space in the era of mobile devices (675 downloads )
Aluminé Rosso
Semiotics on music charts: The signification of late-blooming hits in contemporary popular music (538 downloads )
Georgios Sklavounakis
The circulation of meaning: A biosemiotic perspective on the functional circle (518 downloads )
Nicola Zengiaro
Reviews Cinema and intermediality: Enhancing the spectator (504 downloads )
Nicola Dusi
Matter, energy, and identity in Translation Studies (496 downloads )
Sergio Torres-Martinez
Semiotics in matters legal (592 downloads )
Panagiotis G. Krimpas
Full Issue Volume 9, Issue 2 (2023) Full Issue (555 downloads )
Gastón Cingolani and Sebastián Moreno Barreneche
246 PDF


Punctum Semiotics Monographs

VOLUME 2: Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle (eds.) Chernobyl Calling. Narrative, Intermediality and Cultural Memory of a Docu-fiction.

(Thessaloniki: Hellenic Semiotics Society, 2024, pp. 187, ISBN 972-618-82184-4-4)

Table of Contents

Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle, Cultural memory and the transmedia semiosphere – Giorgio Grignaffini, Chernobyl: A miniseries between fiction and reality – Nicola Dusi, History, drama, retelling: Intermedial realism in Chernobyl – Charo Lacalle, Chernobyl reloaded: Renewing disaster fictional narratives through female characters – Paolo Braga, Events that defy storytelling: Narrative and dramaturgical solutions in Chernobyl – Andrea Bernardelli, “In these stories, it doesn’t matter who the heroes are.” Characters’ construction in Chernobyl – Alberto N. García, Chernobyl and the anthropology of sacrifice – Federico Montanari, History, power, and narrative. Chernobyl is still there – Antonela Mascio, Chernobyl: From nuclear disaster to the television series and beyond – Héctor J. Pérez, Chernobyl: The cognitive value of multiplot aesthetics in contemporary television – Ioanna Vovou, The ‘lifeworld’ criterion in HBO’s Chernobyl: An approach of the intentio lectoris – Renira Rampazzo Gambarato and Johannes Heuman, Transcending the blurred boundaries of Chernobyl.


Download full text (PDF format)

Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle (eds.) Chernobyl Calling. Narrative, Intermediality and Cultural Memory of a Docu-fiction (129 downloads )
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